Sunday, 17 April 2016

How I Completely Potty Trained (diaper free) my 2 year old

Potty training. Ah.  Just saying those words brings anxiety, stress, and terror, right?!?!?! If you are like me,  I admit that potty training was my most feared/dreaded task as a mother. I was so scared that Natalia was going to be 5 years old and still not trained. I was worried about the "right" way to potty train, and having her potty trained early enough.  I was so not looking forward to the huge job, and time consuming task. I researched and read books, articles, anything I could get my hands on about potty training. I was determined to have Natalia potty trained by the time she turned 2. I had many attempts at potty training, but it wasn't until a few weeks before Natalia turned 2 that she was ready. So many failed attempts, but through it all, I learned alot. And now my girl has been completely diaper free, completely potty trained for 4 months, at 26 months old.
The Process:
Before Natalia turned 1, around 10 months, I started putting Natalia on the potty, after her naps, after she ate, etc. I was thrilled when she started going pee! I couldn't believe it. But that lasted maybe 2 weeks, before I grew exhausted of having to put her on the potty constantly, and her still waking up with a wet or poppy diaper. I realized I was training myself more than Natalia, and that she was too young and didn't even understand the concept of going pee. So I let that go and waited until Natalia turned 1 1/2.  I had read a book on how to train your child in 3 days. The book suggested letting your kid run around naked, and put her on the potty every 15 minutes. And stay home for 3 solid days, and just focus on the potty. I did three days of this, and I was wiped. Natalia did well the first day, but then the second day hit and she would scream in outrage at having to be put on the potty. I realized that she just wasn't quite ready. I still continued to put her on the potty, but only when she showed interest. I always had her little potty out in whatever room we were in, and Natalia started to want to go on the potty a little bit.
This continued for a few more months, until a few weeks before her 2nd birthday. That's when I started noticing Natalia going to the potty and saying "pee", and she would go sometimes. She was really excited to go on the potty, and was asking to go. That's when I knew she was ready and I jumped on the opportunity. I then started letting Natalia run around with no bottoms, and I brought her potty everywhere with her, whatever room we were in, the potty was close by. And I would watch her face for when she had to go. As soon as I saw her looking like she had to go pee, or if I saw her starting to go pee, I would run her to the potty. I never got mad at her, just exclaimed, "pee goes in the potty!" and I would praise and praise her if she got pee in the potty, even if it was just a tiny amount. Natalia loved the praise. Two weeks of this and I couldn't believe how fast she had caught on! I would let her run around with no bottoms, and only put pullups on her if we were going out (I would always get her to go before we went anywhere), and a pullup for when she slept. We were pretty much housebound for a month, only going out if we had to. After a month straight, I was considering Natalia potty trained. And she had just turned 2! 
A few more weeks of this and then I realized she was waking up dry from her naps and also when we would go out. I realized she didn't need to wear pullups when we went out anymore or for her naps. I also just had to accept that she might have accidents, and that's okay.
By January, Natalia was completely pullup free. It kind of happened by fluke. Her dad had her over night and forgot to put a pullup on her for the night. She woke up dry. He told me this, and I was really surprised. So I thought, "well, I might as well see if she wakes up dry tonight too." And she hasn't had an accident since (and it's been 4 months), and she hasn't worn a pull up since.

What an amazing accomplishment/relief/excitement it is to have Natalia potty trained!! For her, and for me. Haha.

I wanted to share my story, to give any mom's out there hope that potty training is possible, and don't be too hard on your self. Here's a few tips and things I've learned through the whole process:

  1. Each kid is different. Age 2 might work for some, while others might be ready later, or earlier. Don't stress about the age. Don't compare your kid to others. I know I did, and that just puts unnecessary stress on both of you. Only start when your kid is ready. Your kid will sense your stress.
  2. Make it as fun as possible. Read books on the potty. Exclaim with excitement over her achievements!  Your kid will love the attention and feel so proud.
  3. Once  you start, stay consistent, and don't quit. Yes, it's a LOT of work, but being consistent will pay off.
  4. Commit to staying home, and not going out much, for the first month or two. Really let your kid get a hang of going on the potty before trying to always go out. I felt housebound for a good month, but it was so worth it.
  5. Let your kid run around with no bottoms. It's soooo much easier than having to constantly change wet pants. Plus saves on the laundry. Have cleaning supplies, rags close by so you can wipe up any messes
  6. Have a few potties. One on each level of the house is what I did. Also have a few potty rings for the big toilets. I had Natalia go on both. I found it easier at first for her to use the little potties, but now she only uses the big potty.
  7. Once your kiddo gets a hang of running around naked, start putting underwear on them and letting them run around just in their undies. Then quickly pull them down when they have to go pee. Then they willl slowly be able to wear underwear and pants.
  8. Purchase a travel potty. Keep it in your trunk! It is a life saver, and Natalia still uses it. If we are out and about, or driving somewhere far, if she has to go pee, I just pull over and she can go in the potty.