Thursday 14 January 2016

Philly Stuffed Peppers

I have always been fascinated seeing stuffed peppers, but never took the leap of faith to make them until recently! And boy am I ever glad I tried them! They are absolutely delicious!!! And all honesty, I don’t even miss the bread one bit!


Philly Stuffed Peppers

*21 Day Fix portions: 1 stuffed pepper half | 1 Green, 1 Red, 1 Blue, 1 tsp


1.    2 large green bell peppers

2.    2 T olive oil

3.    3 cloves garlic, minced

4.    4 oz mushrooms, sliced

5.    1/2 red bell pepper, diced

6.    1/4 tsp black pepper

7.    1/4 tsp sea salt

8.    1 medium yellow onion, chopped

9.    1lb flank steak or flat iron steak, thinly sliced

10.  1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

11.  4 slices Provolone or Swiss cheese (I used swiss!)


1.    Preheat oven to 400 degrees and spray an 8x8 baking dish with olive oil, set aside

2.    Bring a pot of water to a boil.

3.    Slice green peppers in half, remove seeds and ribs and place them int he boiling water for 3-5 minutes until they are tender. Remove peppers from the water (be careful!!) Place cut side down on a towel and let water drain.

4.    In a 12" skillet, heat olive oil on medium. Add garlic, onion, mushrooms, red bell pepper, sea salt & pepper. Saute 4-5 minutes until onions are translucent.

5.    Add steak slices and Worcestershire sauce and cook until meat is cooked to your liking

6.    Place green peppers open side up in your baking dish. Fill each pepper with half a slice of chesse, then meat mixture until they are overflowing. Top with the other half of the slice of cheese.

7.    Bake in oven for 10 minutes until cheese is golden brown. Serve hot!

8.    I topped mine with some leftover sauteed onions


1.    Cut the cheese slice in half and line the bottom of the pepper with half, fill with meat mixture and then top with the other half.

2.    If you are needing to get another starch, serve with some brown rice OR add some brown rice to your pepper!


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